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This is an image of a happy family at home. They have experienced family therapy.

Family Systems Therapy from a Christian Worldview

Marriage and Family Therapy

It's been often said that "no man is an island". Nowhere is that statement more true than in the family. Everything one family member does has an effect on other family members. As a new therapist, I studied Family Systems Therapy. This is a central theme in Family Systems Theory and the base of most models of  family therapy. My counseling career began in Family Systems and family therapy has been deeply engrained in my work. From a Biblical perspective, the family is the primary component of any society. As the family goes, so goes the society. Healthy family members make healthy families. Healthy families make healthy societies. 


Family problems often begin long before the family, as a unit, begin. We learn healthy, or unhealthy patterns of behavior from our family of origin. These patterns begin very early in childhood and we carry them into adulthood and into the new families we form. 


As a trauma psychotherapist, I have carried this family systems approach into my current practice of EMDR, Mindfulness, and Clinical Hypnotherapy. As the family is the core of society, trauma therapy must remain mindful of this crucial fact. 

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